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Smoking Cessation Program

Facilitated by Carol Southard, RN, MSN, this program includes a comprehensive support group combined with individualized interventions. The curriculum outlines a strategy to quit smoking and offers techniques and materials designed to establish a cessation plan for each participant. The program is highly structured and offers a systematic approach to quitting, utilizing a logical progression from awareness of the tobacco habit to actual behavioral change.

This program is partially funded by the Swedish Hospital Foundation

How Does The Program Work

The Tobacco Cessation Program provides groundwork for the quit date and thereafter emphasizes the maintenance of non-smoking behavior, which is the most important part of any cessation effort. A multitude of educational materials is distributed at each session. Throughout the program, participants are given assignments to increase awareness of their tobacco habit, assess their own motivation to quit, learn cessation techniques and accomplish behavioral changes that lead to quitting and preventing relapses. Participants assist each other throughout the program with group discussion, support and problem solving. The program facilitator provides referrals to health care providers for general health care or specialists for specific needs as appropriate.   Follow-up phone calls are made to all clients at regular intervals by the program facilitator. Relapse prevention is provided to all clients as needed via the support group network.

Smoking Cessation Medications 

Information about nicotine replacement therapy, bupropion (Zyban) and Varenicline (Chantix) is presented as part of the program. 

What is Covered During the Sessions

  • A step-by-step plan on how to quit
  • Self-control techniques
  • Relaxation methods
  • Nutrition and exercise guidelines
  • Stress management strategies
  • Group support
  • Follow-up phone calls at 3 and 12-month intervals
  • Prescriptions and referrals as appropriate

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